finally i got a chance to write my first travelog. I feel so proud that
i can start it off with a place in Malaysia which is PENANG!! Im so
excited about Penang because I never been there (or maybe once when i
was in primary school that I dont remember)
First of all let me introduce u my travel partner. Its Aina!
Say hi to Aina :)
Me and Aina decided to take the earliest flight on that day, which was
at 740am! Thanks to my parents in law who was so kind to send us to the
airport. I like taking airplanes, and my favourite is of course
Malaysian Airlines. We were so lucky, that we managed to a get the
promotional price which was only RM210 for return ticket. It's cheap!

we reached Penang International Airport
which is in Bayan Lepas, Aina's
elder brother Abg Wan fetch us and brought us to a super
sedap roti
canai stall. Yes, its was super sedap!!!
At first abg wan asked me 'Nak
satu ke dua keping?' i was so confident, 'satu je'. then, see.... what
happen?! hahaha. Baru makan sikit then straight away cakap kat Abg Wan '
Macam kene tambah lagi satu je' ;p
stop, Abg Wan brought us to Bandar Georgetown. He dropped us at the
area of Padang Kota Lama and me and Aina started our Wall Art hunting.
Hoyeah!!! It was so exciting. Its just like treasure hunting! So girls,
if u
really want to enjoy this, put on your sunblock, forget your high heels
and have fun!Here are some photos that we took.U guys can google map
all of the wall arts. We managed to find most of the wall arts, but
got one or two that we couldn't find. Maybe they are already faded I
Anyhow, we had so much fun!The wall arts are just amazing. it was a good
idea of having this as a tourist attraction. Bandar Georgetown is a nice
place. REALLY. Its amazing how they can preserve the actual design of
the buildings which most of it was there since the time when English
ruled the country. I just love the whole idea of it!
we were done with it, we went back to Padang Kota Lama to meet Abg Wan
for lunch at the food court nearby. Ok guys, imagine this, it was a hot
sunny day, you've walked for god knows how many kilometers, u were tired,
sweating, thirsty and hungry, then...tadaaaaa..
the Coconut Shake was superbbbb!!its so cooling and taste so
good!seriously satu tak cukup! but i was so shy to order another one and
when i think about it now, i feel so menyesal! And of course that's not
all here for our meal. Mee Sotong they called. It tastes good but i think
the colouring is a bit too much. Anyhow thank you Abg Wan, belanje
makan! :))
tu, Abg Wan sent us to the hotel. We stayed at The Gurney Hotel and
Residences. The hotel is not so bad. I like it except for the toilet
without pipe. Do they think we're in a western country or something?
bluurrghhh.. Hate it!
after a good rest for a few hours. Me and Aina went out again. Since
Abg Wan had things to do, Aina's 10 years virtual friend, Arif fetched us
for evening walk.
Hi Arif! imagine, they know each other for almost 10years, but this is the first time they're meeting each other! *ehem* ;p
Arif's first question was, do we drink coffee. We were like, 'gile kau
tak minum kopi?!' haha. I love coffee. And i can say that im a coffee
addict. I need at least one dose a day to make my life complete. Ok,
thats definitely exaggerating. :p So, he brought us to a small coffee
shop at Medan Lebuh Campbell. I dont know whether to call it a shop or
what, because its actually placed IN BETWEEN shops. The 'shop' was
already there for years and it was so obvious. If u want me to describe
how it was like, i would say, 'Old school gile!' Nak prove? Nah!
Haa.. depa bakaq roti pakai arang habaq hanggg. :p |
The coffee. AWESOME. Have boiled egg. AMAZING. They purposely put it in a cup so that we can 'drink' it. nyuummehh!
The 'shop'
Long day isn't it? Tak habis lagi! After a coffee break, Arif brought
us to Penang Road for cendol!!! Argh, malas nak describe. tengok la
gamba sendiri. :p
Penang Road |
cendol visit, Arif brought us back to hotel because he needs to go
home. Ahah! Tak habis lagi, after Maghrib prayer, Abg Wan pulak fetch
us. Dinner time!
Its the famous Sany Char Kueh Tiaw. Aarrghhh.. Teliuq!
dinner, we sent off abg wan to the airport. He was so kind for lending
his car, and went back to KL by plane. Baik sungguh! At first me and
Aina wanted to go back to the hotel straight away as we were so tired.
But, on the way back we saw 'Batu Ferrenghi' signboard. Ahhh... Hard
Rock Hotel is
there!! So, without further due, the plan was changed. Hehe. Penat? No
more. :p
a die hard Hard Rock cafe shirt collector (ill make a special entry
about it one day). So, the only place that ill go is Rock Shop! :) To be
honest, I've never say at Hard Rock Hotel, neither tried their cafe. I
know I should someday. :) Ok, here is the exciting part. I went crazy in
the shop! Argh, all the tshirts looked pretty to me. their sweater also
looked nice. OMG!OMG! So, i took a deep breath , and shopped wisely
Tadaaa.. 1 for me, 1 for my abg syg :)
tipu je. 2 for me actualy. Hehe. Again, i was so lucky on that day,
because at that time Rock Shop had a kind of promotion, if u spend a
total of RM400 in a single receipt,you will be able to buy a basic
tshirt at only RM10!!! Me and Aina share a receipt and Aina was so kind
letting me take the promotional price tshirt! Horrey!! So, here it
But, a part from tshirts, i also bought these!
Its a cute guitar shaped mint! |
Weee~ Im a happy girl!
:))) So happy~
*Deep breath*
Its was really a long day, and we had so much fun!
And hey! its only day one, ill continue with the rest of the days in Penang on my next entry.
See ya!